Global Village 2023 was a colossal success. It proved the existence of singularity, first, by being one rare point in space and time that united the different trajectories Time wandered around at different points of time in history, and secondly by giving life to an unimaginability, an escapism, a fantasy, and a dream. It was more than a dainty slit in the insubstantial barricade separating history from the present. It was a substantial in the insubstantial.
Global Village 2023 was a phenomenal celebration of cultures; an extraordinary celebration of human life.
AIESEC in University of Moratuwa organized Global Village 2023 to be a converging lens that congregates diverse cultures from around the world to one place and they accomplished their mission exceeding the expectations of many, on the 22nd of August 2023 at the University of Moratuwa premises. Exchange Participants (EPs) delegating their unique cultures, AIESECers from 19 universities in Sri Lanka, and the University of Moratuwa University crowd joined in this meaningful celebration.

The first half of the event was dedicated to appreciating each other’s cultures by visiting the stalls set up by the EPs depicting their cultures with different elements. The stalls were filled with unique cuisines, ornaments, and smiles and everyone went around tasting different food and exchanging proud stories about their cultures and histories. The second half of the event was when the real fun began, and another interesting lifestyle joined Global Village 2023 which was none other than the AIESEC culture entering the arena with their most beloved roll calls. This gave the university crowd a chance to grab a glimpse of the unseen ways AIESECers have fun and join the fun for one full day. Delegates got the opportunity to show off their talents with exciting performances and the EPs managed to take us all to their realms with their meaningful traditional performances by engaging the crowd with them.
Yes, endings are sad, but this ending was particularly bluer with all the participants lighting up the chalk drawn earth on the floor with their candles, which was meaningful in many ways. It was a world drawn on the floor with chalk, but little do they know how much impact their candles have on the real world, and going around looking for lighted matchsticks or candles, aren’t we all going around different pathways seeking opportunities, crossing pathways with similar us with their unique candle lights, exchanging help to light each other’s candles?

Global Village 2023 came to an end with emotional hugs and laughs and a singalong to ‘Heal the World’ with Micheal Jackson. Global Village 2023 was not really an end but was a start to more meaningful events like that. It was an open door that let individuals step into the vibrant singularity of cultures, the colourful palette of Time and Life, and a perfect chance to appreciate one another’s essence. It was youth empowering youth who are eager to make the impact they are meant to make on the world. It was proof that dreams come true.
Extending gratitude and appreciation to all of our partners that gave us strength to make this unimaginability come into life, our EPs who took us around the globe with their presence, everyone who participated in Global Village 2023 and enlivened the event, the AIESEC community who was and who will always be the most supportive and inspirational backbone and finally, the most amazing Organizing Committee of Global Village 2023 who was bold enough to dream and strong enough to vivify them, here are cheers to more tangible miracles like Global Village 2023.
P. A. Manishi Prabasha
Organizing Committee member,
Global Village 2023,
AIESEC in University of Moratuwa.