Why is entrepreneurship important?
Why does Sri Lanka have a low count of entrepreneurs?
Why is entrepreneurship important to the Sri Lankan economy?
Ever had these questions hound you?
It sure ain’t a guide to the article but these are three of the widely searched questions on Google related to entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka.
Being aware of the need for an urgent and durable solution to overcome the current economic crisis within the country, and having understood the importance and interest of entrepreneurship to reach a solution, AIESEC at the University of Moratuwa believes in paving the way to get an ideal solution.
Before moving ahead, an introduction to AIESEC would be ideal.
Founded in 1948, AIESEC is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization entirely run by youth, for youth. It is a global platform for young people to develop their leadership potential through practical experiences of many kinds, including internships, volunteering opportunities, and more.
AIESEC at the University of Moratuwa, established in 1995, is the First Local Committee of Sri Lanka and is awarded consecutively in the local and Asia Pacific region.
Being such a responsible youth organization in the country, we’ve identified that Sri Lankan youth—the future face of the country, is the best to address the current financial situation.
In order to be the driving force behind the upcoming young leading entrepreneurs of Sri Lanka, AIESEC in the University of Moratuwa launched its biggest project yet, PATHFINDER, the biggest entrepreneurial platform equipping the youth of Sri Lanka with the drive to pave the path of their own success. Also, we encourage entrepreneurship within Sri Lanka as we believe it is one of the best ways to fuel SDG goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth within the country.
Sri Lankan youth are talented in numerous ways. But due to a lack of awareness, they remain cautious in investing their talents to reap their benefits. In order to breathe life into successful entrepreneurs amongst young school students and undergraduates, their awareness regarding the available opportunities should be raised, their confidence level needs to be levelled up for them to overcome their fears and step out of their comfort zone, their skills need to be polished and many more strategies are to be implemented. To achieve this, PATHFINDER is composed of several segments.
So far we’ve had two successful virtual sessions on discovering an ideal career path and sharpening soft skills, conducted by two well esteemed personalities Mr. Fahad Farook and Dr. Thanuja Sandanake respectively. We are more than sure that these two sessions were able to persuade our delegates by making a positive impact on them by boosting their relevant future career competencies. Our first physical session was held on 1st of October with valuable insights from Mr. Roshan Fernando on personal finance management and stock market handling which was definitely a timely insightful session for our delegates who are willing to enter the industry with their own careers.
A physical session including a panel discussion in Colombo featuring successful entrepreneurs and prominent personalities in the corporate sector was held on the 29th of October.
Here are some pictures from our events held on,
1st of October
29th of November

Following that we will be reaching to the pinnacle of PATHFINDER with a career fair on the 28th of November and a live conference which will be assuredly a remarkable addition to the journey of the delegates in pursuing thriving successful careers at the University of Moratuwa. We sincerely hope our delegates will be able to reap the benefits through these sessions and will be able to boost their business knowledge, empower themselves by emerging with new self employment ideas and step into successful career paths by awakening the inner leader within themselves.
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As previously mentioned, having identified entrepreneurship as the ideal solution to address the financial crisis of Sri Lanka, motivated us to organize PATHFINDER to mainly promote entrepreneurship as well as other career paths too.
We, as PATHFINDER, are eager to witness the youth be enlightened by our programme, and in turn, choose their best-fitted career path and be successful in their own odyssey, while contributing to developing the economic growth of Sri Lanka.
So, to the young leaders of Sri Lanka, this is your turn to find your calling and own your journey with PATHFINDER.